My heart was beating fast and my legs were burning. My head was pounding from breathing so hard. I couldn’t tell where my sweat ended and the rain began. I nearly tripped like five times over big rocks and huge ankle-turning holes. But as I crossed that finish line, none […]
I woke up and my room was flooded with light – a sure sign I had overslept. I quickly jumped up and checked my watch. It was nearly 10 o’clock. Then I remembered that I wasn’t going to work. I actually wasn’t going anywhere. I got out of bed and […]
In the book of Nehemiah, Nehemiah is faced with sorrow and pain after he hears that his fellow Israelites are in trouble. They have been shamed because the symbol of their protection – the wall of Jerusalem – has been broken down. Nehemiah was made aware of the broken wall […]
I want to be completely and brutally honest with you, because there is too much cookie-cutter perfection and hiding behind masks in our world. I want to be upfront with you about a struggle that is eating at our hearts daily: insecurity. I don’t really know why we as women […]
Use these prompts in your journal, small group study, or one-on-one with friends! Write about your greatest blessing Write about your favorite Bible story/character Tell your conversion story Write about heaven Share the greatest lesson God has ever taught you What is your favorite teaching of Jesus? What is your […]
This guest post was written by Chloe Mooneyham for “We were not abandoned. We were chosen.” Wow. I can’t even begin to describe how much I love this quote! I came across it while reading an adoption article a few days ago and it has stuck with me ever […]
“I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.” — Jeremiah 31:3 It was love at first sight. He created her, loved her, and wanted nothing but to be with her. And for the first part of her life, she loved Him back. […]