5 Steps to Combat Anxiety

I woke up and my room was flooded with light – a sure sign I had overslept. I quickly jumped up and checked my watch. It was nearly 10 o’clock. Then I remembered that I wasn’t going to work. I actually wasn’t going anywhere. I got out of bed and opened up Facebook while I sipped my coffee. I read “corona, deaths, cases, virus, pandemic” – all words I never wanted to become so common. In the last week, I’ve learned how to spell “quarantine” without the help of autocorrect. I’ve cried more in the last week than I have in a while. I’m scared. I’m scared for my family, my boyfriend, my friends, and my nation. I am the type of person that always feels like I have to have a plan but right now I don’t even know when I’ll be able to leave my house or go to worship or hug my boyfriend again. I’ve been anxious.

I don’t like staying anxious, though. I don’t want to keep feeling sorry for myself and worrying about what might happen next. Three years ago, I wrote an e-book called “Journey to Virtue.” I wrote about five steps to combat anxiety and I think they’re really appropriate now. I needed to read my own words today, and I hope they can encourage you, too.

Satan says, ‘Worry about your life and all your problems.’ Jesus says, ‘Lean on me. I’ll handle your problems.’

— Unknown

5 Steps to Combat Anxiety

  1. Pray. As mentioned in the quote above, Jesus wants to take our burdens from us. We can’t handle trials in this life on our own – God is the only one that can help us. And the only way He will help us is if we call on Him and ask for His loving hand in lifting our burdens. Practical Tip: Use the formula ACTS in your prayers or prayer journal: Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. It really helps me go deeper in my relationship with God and not just communicate with Him on a surface level.
  2. Serve. One of the best ways to feel better in a hard season is to get out of your own head and serve others. I guarantee that if you help someone else, you will feel better about your own problems. If you’re like me, you are probably going to be really humbled by the problems of others as you realize your problems aren’t as big of a problem as you thought. Practical Tip: It might feel really hard to serve others during this time of “quarantine,” but get creative! Do you like to sew? Make masks for medical staff and see where you can donate them. Do you like to knit or crochet? Make something (or lots of somethings!) to give away once this is all over. Can you make food and leave it at someone’s doorstep? Can you write a poem or blog post or caption to encourage? Make music videos for your grandparents or to post on social media? There are so many things you can do!
  3. Relax. I’ve read the same quote multiple times this week that said something about how maybe this slow-down is God’s way of telling us that we need to slow down and not be so busy for a little while. In the Old Testament, God commanded His people to take a rest day once a week. Take a deep breath. Relax. Practical Tip: What is your favorite way to relax? Call a friend, take a bubble bath, reread your favorite book for the hundredth time, listen to your favorite music – whatever it is, do it. Do something to actually relax (not just veg in front of the TV) while we’re all stuck at home. Keep reading for another great option to relax!
  4. Work Harder. I know, this sounds contradictory to Step 3! But personally, sometimes I handle stress best by just working a little harder on something. I have to be careful not to stifle my stress in work and overwhelm, but I also know myself and I know I have to be doing something productive to avoid letting anxiety overtake me. Practical Tip: Is there a project you’ve been saying you’ll work on when you “have the time?” Well sister, you’ve got time now! Whether it’s writing a book, starting a blog, starting an online shop, learning a new skill – whatever it is, use this opportunity to tackle a dream or two that you’ve been putting off. You’ll be thankful to look back on this downtime and see the good that came out of it.
  5. Surround Yourself With Positivity. Negative feelings, people, and news are NOT what you need during this time. When we’re in a slow time, we have to be really conscientious about what we’re taking in. Practical Tip: Unplug for a while. Delete (yes, actually delete) Instagram and Facebook from your phone for a little while. Don’t read the news. Politely ask family members not to share new COVID-19 updates with you if you feel this would be helpful. Use wisdom to discern what is causing you anxiety, and get rid of it, even just temporarily. Focus on things that build you up, like God’s word, good friends, doing something you love, etc.

Friends, we will get through this. God has not forgotten us or left us alone. I pray these tips have helped you, but in the end, we must remember that this world is not our home. We have something so much better to look forward to.

With love,


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