“It’s helped me realize that I’m not the only young Christian girl striving to grow closer to God.” Anna Sullivan
“I always enjoy reading your posts. They seem to come right when I need them. You always encouraged me in all you have done with Project Virtue.” Megan Schneck
“It never fails to brighten my day and remind me of the important things in life!” Ella Lancaster
“It just overall helps me and inspires me, and I just really love it!!” Julie Green
“It really inspires me to be a better Christian and share the good news. As Christians, we should be motivation for each other and you were really that motivation… the little devo videos were also helpful to get some Bible time and hear some words of wisdom of God.” Paxton Harris, @paxtonlynnphotography
“Project Virtue kept me going after I was baptized honestly! It allows me to have a daily focus on God [by] reading your articles and posts every day! It also helps me connect with my sisters and inspires me to be more like them and Jesus.” Anonymous
“Your blog got me through an eating disorder and gave me God back after I thought I had lost Him.” Anonymous
“Great posts about different subjects that were really relatable.” Alessandra Mandala
“Project Virtue helps me remember that there are many other girls living a Christian lifestyle, too. It also reminds me daily to keep living for God.” Anonymous
“It really has inspired me to take my stand for Christ seriously and be aware of my effect.” Hannah Nolan
“It has shown me that I can start a blog even at a young age.” Rachel Bennett