For approximately 150 days, our country has been in locked-down panic mode. Most of us were stuck self-quarantining, at our homes, for days. I have been observing the effects of this shutdown on the lives of the children, parents, teenagers, and the elderly around me. I’ve also been in several conversations with dear friends that are struggling with their self-esteem and self-worth through all of this. Because we were stuck at home, the opportunity arose for many of us to begin negative self-talk, listening to the lies of the enemy, and comparing ourselves to others. We spent more time on social media, more time looking at everyone else’s lives (or their pre-quarantine lives). Our busy-ness came to a drastic halt, and all of a sudden we were left to fight the voices in our heads, constantly whispering lies into our hearts.
I am writing this post because I know for a fact many have fought these battles in silence for the last several months. But these battles were not meant to be fought alone, even in the midst of a pandemic. I am writing this because if you are struggling with your self-worth or other serious issues such as an eating disorder, mental illness, or suicidal thoughts, this shutdown has been really hard for you, and I see you. You are loved and cherished.
I strongly suggest those that are seriously struggling to get help from a trained professional, and I certainly am not one, but I do know that I serve a God that cares for you. I want to share some of God’s Word, as well as some practical tips, to help any that might be struggling with any emotional or mental battles during this time.
- Don’t Let Anyone but God Define You. In Isaiah 43:1, Isaiah the prophet says, “But now, thus says the LORD, who created you, O Jacob, and He who formed you, O Israel, ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine.'” During this time of lockdown, the enemy had plenty of time to bring to mind our pasts, our regrets, and our flaws. We have had plenty of time to remember all the mistakes we’ve ever made and all the imperfections that make us “not good enough.” But in this beautiful passage, God our Father says that He Himself has named us and we are His. He has redeemed you, meaning His goodness has compensated for your past and your mistakes. When we are tempted to wallow in regret or dwell on insecurities, remember who He says you are and what He has done for you. Let every insecurity be a reminder of His goodness.
- Serve. This one might seem to be a bit more challenging at first glance because of our limited interactions with others. However, I know we can find opportunities to serve even during this virus. Serving others when we feel down about ourselves causes a few things: we get out of our own minds, even briefly; joy is contagious so we benefit from the joy of whoever we serve; and being a good person makes you feel like you really are a good person! People that give their lives to the service of others are always more joy-filled than those that only care for themselves.
- Choose Joy! I feel like I write about joy very often, but I am perfectly content if that’s all anyone takes from my blog! Paul tells us all about his rejoicing in the book of Philippians, one of four letters he wrote from prison. If Paul can rejoice in prison, we can rejoice in a pandemic. Bob Goff says in his book, Love Does, “Find out what fuels your joy, then do lots of that.” I know how hard it can be to find the good or choose joy during hard times, but when the Bible tells us to rejoice, God doesn’t put an “except when…” or “unless…” at the end of it. Paul says “Rejoice in the Lord always.” Always. Period. Figure out what it is that brings you joy and don’t stop doing it!
- God Will Rebuild. You may be feeling that so many things in your life have become broken – relationships, dreams, school plans, work, church – and it can be hard to see the silver lining. But in Jeremiah 31:3-4, the prophet shares some beautiful words that the Lord spoke to Israel. “The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying ‘Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you. Again I will build you, and you shall be rebuilt, O virgin of Israel! You shall again be adorned with your tambourines, and shall go forth in the dances of those who rejoice.'” God says here that He loved these people so much that He would rebuild them and give them cause to rejoice once again. God will provide new and better relationships that will lead you closer to Him. He will guide you and help you accomplish your dreams as you seek His will. He will be with you as school restarts and it’s a little crazy. He will give you the strength to work to the best of your ability even during hard times and will provide new job opportunities if needed. Church WILL go back to normal, but until then, we as God’s people are rising up to do what we can to be His hands and feet in the midst of it. God will rebuild in whatever way He sees fit because He loves us and draws us to Him.
As I mentioned above, if you are seriously struggling with any mental or emotional issues, please seek professional help. I know people that can help you find professionals to counsel you through these problems. But I hope that these words from the Word encouraged you to keep seeking Him, keep fighting, and keep moving forward.
He is faithful and He is working. COVID-19 didn’t shake Him a bit.
With love,